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Les Feldick has been teaching home-style Bible classes for over 40 years. His teaching is non-denominational, and his students come from diverse denominations and backgrounds. It was through one of these classes that a student helped open the door for his "Through the Bible" television program.

Airdate: October 22nd 2024

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Through the Bible with Les Feldick

Les started teaching home Bible Study classes in the 1960s. In 1990, one of his students with connections to a local TV station approached Les about taping a 30-minute weekly program. His classes were all supportive of the idea and were able to raise all but $100 of the first year’s programming cost. 

The class was taped each month and by 2009, Les completed the entire Bible Study, from Genesis to Revelation. These programs continue to air on television and radio, all over the United States and Canada, as well as internationally in Europe, Africa and beyond.

Les Feldick

Les Feldick


Les Feldick is an Oklahoma rancher and...
Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15

“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 

Les Feldick is an Oklahoma rancher and Bible teacher. He has been teaching home-style Bible classes for over 40 years. His teaching is non-denominational, and his students come from diverse denominations and backgrounds. It was through one of these classes that a student helped open the door for his “Through the Bible” television program.

Never receiving any formal Bible training, it was through the Holy Spirit that Les was able to teach night after night for many years, never using lesson plans or notes, and seemingly, never growing tired.

Les started his classes in Genesis 1:1 and worked all the way through the Bible. All the Scriptures quoted are referenced from the King James Version. Les said, “Once a class has been ‘Through the Bible’ with me, we generally start over and do it again.”

Les and his wife, Iris, have been married since 1953. They have three children, nine grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren and counting.

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