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Apostle Frederick K.C. Price
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price was the founder of...
Apostle Frederick K.C. Price (Jan 3, 1932 – February 12, 2021) was the founder of Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in Los Angeles, California. He began CCC in 1973 and shepherded it into a ministry of world renown, with services held in the 10,000-seat FaithDome.
In 1978, Apostle Price received instruction from God to begin a television broadcast and, as a result, Ever Increasing Faith Ministries (EIFM) began broadcasting in five major television markets. Thus, the television broadcast soon after became global.
EIFM is viewed on many television stations in all 50 states and in many foreign countries. It is now also viewed via cable, satellite, social media and numerous digital and internet broadcast stations.
A visionary and prolific author, Apostle Price authored over 50 books on faith, healing, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. How Faith Works is a classic on the operation of faith and its life-changing principles.
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